We know your time is precious. Experience shows that by automating and managing your sales, inventory and accounting systems, you will have more time to tend to the growth of your business. Click on the links below to find out how The BeerTender™ can simplify, improve and manage your sales, pricing and inventory systems for less than $7 a day. Then call us to take the first step to automating and managing your beer and beverage business. You’ll save time while increasing your profits.
Maximize Your Sales Growth and Go From Flat to Frothy
Simplify Your Inventory Management
Secure Your Business Systems
Maximize Your Sales Growth and Go from Flat to Frothy
Speedy barcode customer check-out will have your customers coming
back for more. -
Complete the NYS Keg Registration Form in triplicate in less than 1 minute.
Immediate price checking at your fingertips
Instantly produce detailed store receipts and customer invoices
Easily set-up weekly “on-sale” items
Create customer lists, shelf labels and more
Track sales and balances by customer
Simplify Your Inventory Management
7,000+ item database to make start-up a breeze
Barcode scanning of manufacturers’ UPC codes allows for accurate and speedy processing and setup
Automatic adjustment of inventory data with every sale and product entry
Re-order alerts let you know what you’re running low before it’s too late and avoids overbuying
Keep Track of Your Business with the Tap of a Key
Track sales and profits by brand, type, category size and date
Assess costs and profit margins in seconds
Track keg and tap deposits
Keep tabs on empties
End-of-day Z-Out report summarizes daily activity by register
Effortlessly Manage Your Accounting
Point of sale data entry automatically updates accounting records
Instant reports let you know how much your customers owe
Automatically identify customer tax status and process accordingly
Effortlessly process payments received so you don’t run short of cash
Generate monthly customer statements to improve cash flow
Optionally restrict data entry and select functions to authorized employees
Optionally track sales and system interactions by employee, ensuring total accountability
When it comes to beer and beverage stores, we know what it’s like to have to manage the wholesale and retail POS side of your business. Ariesoft has been meeting the needs of businesses like yours for many years and we know your focus is on the bottom line. Contact us TODAY and start on the road to increasing profits for less than $7 a day.